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Neven - Krema

Neven - Krema

Regular price KM 14,60
Regular price Sale price KM 14,60
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Služi prvenstveno za regeneraciju svih tipova kože, za kožna oboljenja kao što su: lišajevi, impetigo, dekubitis, za zarastanje rana, čireva na koži i opekotina.

Krema djeluje i dubinski pa se u kombinaciji sa čajem odlično pokazala kod proširenih vena, ispucalih kapilara, krvnih podliva i spoljašnjih hemoroida. Upotrebljava se tako što se uglavnom uveče vene namažu tankim slojem kreme (bez masiranja), a ujutro i uveče se pije Nevenov čaj. Nevenova krema se koristi i za upale desni i fistule, nema nikakvih vještačkih konzervanasa i sastojaka.

Sastav: Cvijet Nevena, prirodne masti, pčelinji vosak.


Used mainly for regenerating all types of skin, treating skin disorders such as lichen planus, impetigo, decubitis, as well as fostering the healing of wounds, skin ulcers and burns.

The cream also works under the skin, and in conjunction with our Neven tea, works exceptionally well with treating varicose veins, broken capillaries, hematoma, and external hemorrhoids. It's applied by spreading a thin layer of the cream on the affected areas (without rubbing), while drinking the Neven tea in the mornings and evenings. In addition, the Neven Cream helps with gingivitis and fistulas.

Does not contain any artificial preservatives or ingredients.

Contents: marigold flower, natural ointments, beeswax

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